BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available
BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available

BUNDLE BLOWOUT - Every Digital Illustration Bundle Available

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Truly a BUNDLE BLOWOUT: Every single digital illustration in the store - 196 images!

10 Coaching Education digital sketches:

  • Work Formula
  • Power Formula
  • Force Formula
  • Speed Formula
  • Posterior Chain
  • Mobility Leads to Strength
  • Poor Recovery Catches Up
  • Pelvis is a Bowl of Water
  • 3 Pillars to Being a Great Coach
  • Remember to Breathe

10 digital sketches of Olympic weightlifting movement sequences:

  • Clean
  • Power clean
  • Snatch
  • Power snatch
  • Muscle snatch
  • Press in snatch
  • Jerk
  • Split jerk
  • Split jerk points of performance
  • "The Bear Complex"

15 digital illustrations of cues for approaching a lift or a workout:

  • "Better start, better finish"
  • "Break before you are broken"
  • "Copy machine"
  • "Do less better"
  • "Don't be Dumbo"
  • "Find your gear"
  • "Find your rhythm"
  • "Head down, eyes forward"
  • "Last reps mirror first reps"
  • "Let the weight settle"
  • "Move with a purpose"
  • "Put your ego down to pick up the bar"
  • "Think box, play box"
  • "Treat 135# like your max"
  • "Warm-up = preheating"

15 digital illustrations of kettlebell cues:

  • "Be the arrow, not the bow"
  • "Bend and snap"
  • "Bow and arrow hip hinge"
  • "Glass wall"
  • "Granny shot"
  • "High and tight"
  • "Hike the kettlebell"
  • "Knees stay back"
  • "Moon the crowd"
  • "Newspaper in the armpit"
  • "Silverback stance"
  • "Swing, pull, punch"
  • "Thumb to bum"
  • "Two buttons"
  • "Wet towel snap"

15 digital illustrations of positioning cues:

  • "Barbell over mid foot"
  • "Bucket of water"
  • "Clock foot placement"
  • "Coin grab"
  • "Front rack channel"
  • "Full foot = Full power"
  • "Keep it tight to keep it light"
  • "Knees in line with toes"
  • "Like a whip"
  • "Muted hip"
  • "Own your position"
  • "Power leak bucket"
  • "Say no to the bow"
  • "Screw your feet into the ground"

15 digital illustrations of cues for setting up for a lift:

  • "Armpits over bar"
  • "Cheat code"
  • "Chest to the ceiling"
  • "Do not move the barbell"
  • "Don't rush your set up
  • "Eyes on the horizon"
  • "Free throw line"
  • "Hamburger"
  • "Make a house"
  • "Pull yourself into position"
  • "Quicksand or concrete"
  • "RDL into position"
  • "Squeeze oranges"
  • "Take the slack out of the bar"

15 digital illustrations of cues for lifting shoulder to overhead:

  • "5 not 3"
  • "Control the dip"
  • "Corkscrew your knees"
  • "Dip and drive"
  • "Down like a rock"
  • "F-F-F"
  • "Flashlight on your head"
  • "Head through the window"
  • "Load, explode, punch"
  • "Loose hands"
  • "Open up your knee joint"
  • "Railroad tracks"
  • "Slide up and down a wall"
  • "Split jerk POPs"
  • "Tuck your tailbone"

15 digital illustrations of cues for squatting. Including:

  • "Back into the bar"
  • "Drive the triangle up"
  • "Elbows are lasers"
  • "Elbows down"
  • "Feet are talons"
  • "Glutes to boots"
  • "Go underwater"
  • "Hips and knees unlock together"
  • "Make a foot tent"
  • "Martini glass, not wine glass"
  • "Pin your elbows"
  • "Screw your feet into the floor"
  • "Sitting on a cactus"
  • "Sitting on a toilet"
  • "Spread the towel"

9 digital sketches of each of the foundational movements:

  • Air Squat
  • Front Squat
  • Overhead Squat
  • Deadlift
  • Sumo Deadlift High Pull
  • Medicine Ball Clean
  • Shoulder Press
  • Push Press
  • Push Jerk

16 digital sketches of perspectives:

  • "Consistency is king"
  • "Movement is the best medicine"
  • "Work hard & be nice to people"
  • The "PR Wheel"
  • "Micro goals lead to major goals"
  • "We don't stop moving because we grow old..."
  • "Keep your bucket full"
  • "Strong people are harder to kill"
  • "When training gets tough..."
  • "Leave your ego at the door"
  • "Set an intent and purpose"
  • "Before you master this..."
  • "YOU bully the bar"
  • "Move with purpose"
  • "Training = Move the dirt"
  • "Being comfortable with being uncomfortable..."